Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where a man's passion for gagetry maybe doesn't belong.

So my buddy Keith passed along this fine patent application, circa 1963:


As guys, we've got to sympathize with ol' Geroge, there. He knew childbirth was tough and he wanted to make it easier for his lady. So he broke out his slide-rule and got to work. Vacuum? No good. Creating pressure on the other side of the baby? No access! What then? Well heck, let's sling momma around and around until the little one pops out and is handily caught in what looks to be a modified trout net! And as a bonus, mom gets a nice thrill ride, which she should surely enjoy! Brilliant! (Oooor, hey, maybe not)

Did you notice this guy's wife's name appeared on the patent? Surely that inclusion involved a phrase from her something like, "Yes love, whatever. Just be a dear and make me another cocktail, will you?"


Becki said...

Hahahaha...that's nuts!

Tundra said...

I also liked this one, the Baby Patting Machine!
Hope it doesn't go into overdrive...
I found that in a book of weird inventions a few weeks back. :D